May 21, 2024


LEADTECH Management Consulting P Ltd, has diversified into Inspection Services

Our diverse range of inspection services can provide trusted support for your products, projects, and processes.

Independent third-party inspections help clients around the world protect their financial, branding, and legal interests throughout the entire supply chain – from raw materials and finished goods to plant facilities and assets. We offer inspection services to manufacturers, retailers, traders, plant operators, governments, and other buyers and sellers of materials and products in the world’s markets.

We undertake the inspection job on behalf of our client, ensure that defective products don’t reach the client’s place. Thus we minimise the risk of rejection at the client’s site.

Business risk is minimized and quality products are manufactured and delivered to their final destination at the specifications of the customer.

At present, we are starting with only plastic products like, uPVC pipes steel pipes, etc.


The Board of Directors of LEADTECH Management Consulting P Ltd makes the following public statement on LEADTECH understanding of the concept of Impartiality and the importance thereof when managing conflicts of interest and to ensure objectivity when carrying out our inspection activities.

Impartiality is the actual and perceived presence of objectivity. Objectivity means that conflict of interest do not exist or are resolved so as not to adversely influence the activities of LEADTECH Management Consulting (P) Ltd..

Synonyms that are useful in conveying the element of impartiality are: objectivity, independence, freedom from conflicts of interest, freedom from bias, and lack of prejudice, neutrality, fairness, open-mindedness, even- handedness, detachment and balance.

Being impartial, and being perceived to be impartial, is necessary for LEADTECH to be able to deliver a credible verification service that provides confidence to our clients, the public and all other entities in the country.

It is recognized that the main source of revenue for LEADTECH is that of our client paying for our services and that this is a potential threat to impartiality. Our fee structure will be based upon the degree of responsibility and skill involved and the time necessarily occupied on the work, plus the reimbursement of outlays. We will contract our fees in advance with our clients and will not allow the fact that the payment of fees by clients to become a threat to impartiality.

In order to obtain and maintain confidence, LEADTECH will at all times are able to demonstrate that our decisions are based on objective evidence and that our decisions have not been improperly influenced by other interests or by other parties.


Procedure Name 

Procedure for Appeals and Complaints 

Procedure No.: LMC-I-QP-07  Issue No. 01  Issue Date 01-08-2023 
No of pages 4   Rev. No. 00  Rev. Date:  — 

Procedure for Appeals & Complaints

  1. Purpose:

To document, establish, implement, and maintain the system for addressing Appeal, Complaints and Disputes received by LMC as per requirements of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and other applicable international standards for inspection bodies offering inspection services.

2.0 Scope:

This procedure is applicable to all appeal, complaints and disputes received by LMC related to its third-party inspection services.

  1. Responsibility:


  1. Procedure:

4.1 Appeals

4.1.1 Any client can make an appeal to the CEO of LMC in respect of the following,

  1. Non acceptance of client’s application for third-party inspector.

  1. Any report/ inspection report or test certificate issued by LMC.

4.1.2 LMC records all appeals in format LMC-I-FM-16 and acknowledges the receipt of the appeal. All appeals shall be addressed within 30 working days from the receipt of the appeal and LMC provides the client with progress reports and the outcome.

4.1.3 All appeals are reviewed by the appeal panel constituted by the CEO for each appeal. The appeal panel contains at least two members from the LMC’s Inspection Engineers panel who have not been part of the inspection and also not involved in the inspection decision or involved in the subject of the appeal.

4.1.4 The appeal panel investigates the appeal by looking into the records and/or talking to the appellant and LMC and shall take a decision taking into account the results of any previous such appeals.

4.1.5 Based on the decision of the appeal panel LMC initiates appropriate correction and corrective action and the same recorded in LMC-I-FM-16, register for complaints, appeals & disputes.

4.1.6 LMC is responsible for all decisions at all levels of the appeal handling process. The decision on the appeal is reviewed and approved by CEO and is communicated to the client. This completes the appeal process and LMC also informs the appellant at this time about the closure of the appeal.

4.1.7 LMC ensures that the submission, investigation, and decision on appeals do not result in any discriminatory action against the appellant.

4.1.8 The right of the client to appeal against any decision by LMC is communicated at the time of sending the quotation through document LMC-I-FM-39.

4.1.9 Information about appeal handling process of LMC is made publically available through the website and / or document LMC-I-QP-07

4.2 Complaints

4.2.1 Information about complaint handling process of LMC is made publically available through web site and / or document LMC-I-QP-07. The complaints handling process includes the following

An outline of the process for receiving, validating, and investigating the complaint and for deciding actions to be taken in response to it.

The CEO (Inspection) is responsible for gathering and verifying all necessary information to validate the complaint.

4.2.2 The complaint can be made to the CEO by the client or any other interested party in writing giving details of the complaint. The complaint shall either relate to the inspection activities of LMC or to it’s client and their activities.

4.2.3 The complaints received are recorded in LMC-I-FM-16 and is acknowledged to the complainant. The CEO reviews the complaint to ascertain the seriousness and the genuineness of the complaint. LMC provides the complainant with progress reports and the outcome.

4.2.4. The complaint redressal process: Complaints about LMC from the client or third party

  1. Depending on the nature of the complaint, CEO decides to conduct the investigation himself or appoint a complaint panel for each complaint. The complaint panel contains at least two members from the LMC’s inspection panel who have not been part of the inspection and also not involved in any decision or involved in the subject of the complaint. Further, the complainant shall be given an opportunity to present the case to the panel in person if he so desires.

  1. The complaint panel investigates the complaint by looking into the records and / or talking to the complainant and LMC and shall take a decision taking into account the results of any previous such complaints.

  1. The details of investigation and the correction and the corrective actions identified are recorded in the complaint register. Upon verification on the effectiveness of corrective action taken, LMC informs the complainant about the correction and corrective action taken and if the complainant is satisfied with the actions taken the complaint is treated as closed. The final Decision on the resolution of complaint shall be taken by the CEO. Complaints about LMC client from its customers or any other third party:

  1. LMC shall inform the client about the complaint received and ask the client to investigate the complaint and report the findings to LMC within two weeks from the date of receiving the complaint by the client.

  1. If LMC does not receive any response from the client or the action taken by the client is not found effective, LMC shall inform the client accordingly and ask for a special visit at the client site by LMC. On confirmation from the client LMC shall conduct a special visit as per LMC procedure, QP-07 and investigate the complaint.

  1. If the complaint is of serious nature LMC shall initiate the special visit directly with the client

  1. As its policy, LMC doesn’t disclose the identity of the complainant to the client.

  1. If any action is needed to be taken by the client LMC shall verify the effectiveness of such action by suitable means appropriate to the gravity of the problem.

  1. If the corrective action taken by the client is found effective LMC shall inform the complainant accordingly and the complaint shall then be treated as closed.

4.2.5. LMC may decide to make public the complaint and its resolution if agreed with client and complainant.

4.2.6. All the complaints received and their status with respect to their resolution are presented in the Management Review Meeting.

4.3 Client feedback

4.3.1 After every Inspection visit or completion of inspection job/ Assessment Job , a feedback is taken from the client in obtained in document LMC-I-FM-17, to LMC,

  • LMC’s office responsiveness to client queries at various stages of the inspection process

  • Performance of the inspection team

  • Areas for further improvement

4.3.2 All the feedback received from the clients is analyzed and appropriate action taken if required.

4.3.3 The actions taken are recorded in LMC-I-FM-17

4.3.4 A summary of feedback and the findings with corrective action taken are reviewed in MRM and (Impartiality Board) IB meeting.

4.4 Disputes

4.4.1. Any dispute arising out of LMC’s inspection activities shall be settled by private negotiations between the parties, and if this is not possible it shall be referred to arbitration as per the Indian Arbitration Act, 1996 The decision of the arbitration shall be binding for the both parties

4.4.2 Records of all the disputes are maintained and reviewed in MRM.

5.0 Records

  1. LMC-I-FM-16 – Register for Appeal & complaints

  2. LMC-I-FM-17– Feedback form

  3. LMC-I-FM-18 — Special Inspection/ Assessment Report

6.0 References



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