September 25, 2018

Download Voter List 2024 In Excel Format

Download Voter List 2024 in Excel Format

Get Voter List In Excel Format Assembly Wise

Voter List in Excel-IndiaVoter List is available on Election Commission India website in pdf format. Pdf data will not be of as much help as it is in excel format. You can download voter list in excel format by requesting leadtech to provide the same. To search your name in the voter list, you can visit electoral search. It is the official link to search your name in the voter list, it provides you with the voter details in pdf format. But if you need to access the voter’s data in excel, then you can contact us for Excel formatted voter list of your constituency. We will provide you voter’s list of any constituency across the nation in excel format. We provide it to our clients to access it according to their requirement. As a leading provider of political services, we deliver precise insights through our political surveys. Clients can get complete information about voters in it like family head, size of family, status, religion, caste, siblings, children, adults, location and so on. We provide you Updated Voter List In Excel Format of any constituency across India.

Leadtech can provide voter list data in excel format which can be easily used and processed in any field like Banking, market research, marketing and other social sectors where population information of particular area is required. We also provide software to easily access this data using web and mobile applications. The data can be easily accessed using our mobile Application which can further be integrated with various social survey forms.


Purchase and Download Voter list 2024 in excel format for Various Indian States

S No. State S No. State
1 Purchase Telangana Voter List In Excel Format 16 Purchase Meghalaya Voter List In Excel Format
2 Purchase Andhra Pradesh Voter List In Excel Format 17 Purchase Mizoram Voter List In Excel Format
3 Purchase Arunachal Pradesh Voter List In Excel  18 Purchase Nagaland Voter List In Excel Format
4 Purchase Assam Voter List In Excel Format 19 Purchase Orissa Voter List In Excel Format
5 Purchase Bihar Voter List In Excel Format 20 Purchase Punjab Voter List In Excel Format
6 Purchase Goa Voter List In Excel Format 21 Purchase Rajasthan Voter List In Excel Format
7 Purchase Gujarat Voter List In Excel Format 22 Purchase Sikkim Voter List In Excel Format
8 Purchase Haryana Voter List In Excel Format 23 Purchase Tamil Nadu Voter List In Excel Format
9 Purchase Himachal Pradesh Voter List In Excel Format 24 Purchase Tripura Voter List In Excel Format
10 Purchase Jammu & Kashmir Voter List In Excel Format 25 Purchase Uttar Pradesh Voter List In Excel Format
11 Purchase Karnataka Voter List In Excel Format 26 Purchase West Bengal Voter List In Excel Format
12 Purchase Kerala Voter List In Excel Format 27 Purchase Chattisgarh Voter List In Excel Format
13 Purchase Madhya Pradesh Voter List In Excel Format 28 Purchase Jharkhand Voter List In Excel Format
14 Purchase Maharashtra Voter List In Excel Format 29 Purchase Uttarakhand Voter List In Excel Format
15 Purchase Manipur Voter List In Excel Format


If you want download voter list in excel format, then you must contact us on our contact number. We will provide you updated voter list of each and every constituency.


Contact No : 0124-411-3384      ||      Email Id : [email protected]


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