March 3, 2021

How to ace the lok sabha election preparation?

A Lok Sabha constituency is bigger than the whole provinces or even whole countries and a population which is as diverse as one can imagine and sometimes even more, it isn’t going to be one shoe fit all. One needs to be able to delve into the minds of the people and leave an imprint to have any chance of being elected and this requires a huge machinery fighting on multiple fronts.

Lok Sabha Election Preparation

Points to Remember Before Starting Your Lok Sabha Election Preparation:
An average Lok Sabha constituency represents 15 Lakh voters and close to 25 Lakh citizens. this is more than the population of 50 countries worldwide. This creates major issues in effective communication with the voters. A Lok Sabha constituency accounts for a diverse group with different aspirations and desires : a high rise locality would have different demands and needs from a low income underdeveloped locality.

In the time of legacy media it was not only tough but also required a lot of resources and manpower with no credible way to gauge feedback or efficacy of such an activity, but with the advent of digital media it is not only possible but necessary, in order to understand, design and execute political campaign which utilizes the tools of data science as a formidable force. This requires for a convergence of data sciences and social sciences and this where political consultancies come into play which have the best minds from both the worlds to handle an undertaking as diverse as a Lok Sabha election.

Run good research while you’re doing Lok Sabha election preparation on some history of the elections held till date. Combining traditional canvassing and door to door campaigns with data analytics and to create real time concrete voter profiles down to the booth level which are then used to run credible hybrid campaigns utilizing digital media, social media legacy media and fliers, posters, banners hoardings at relevant places with relevant messaging that would resonate the most with the people.

These tactics also allow to design and run tailor made campaigns which are inclusive of needs and demands of the electorate : the what, the how, the when is understood in a pertinent and effective manner. Data analytics also allows to understand what would resonate more with a voter and even individualized targeted campaigns can be run through social media and even WhatsApp, where groups are created for maximum impacts and real time discourse which allows for necessary re-calibration.

The sheer size of a Lok Sabha Constituency requires a comprehensive and in depth campaign which is made sturdier by constituency management software and mobile applications thus eliminating any or all barriers of communication between stakeholders voters and the leaders.This also allows for constituencies to be studied and analyzed for better understanding the diverse groups and the people who are looking for an able voice to take up their issue and resonate with their aspirations


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