Download Voter List 2022

Download Voter List 2022

Political parties and elections play a significant role in the development of a country. With the increase in awareness amongst the citizens, it has become important for the political parties to make well-suited strategies to win the elections.  

But, one challenge the political party can face here is the lack of information about the voters. Having no to minimal detail about the voter can be a constraint in building winning strategies. In this case, you can take the help of the voter list

As voter list has information about the potential voters, you can build your strategies around it. Having information related to the voters can help you stay ahead of the opposition. Continue reading about the importance of voter list and how we can help. 

Importance of Voter List

A voter list is the list of people eligible for voting in a constituency. The voter list is updated from time to time through proper research and analysis. Every constituency has its voter lists. It has information about the people who can cast their votes. Also, it is essential and forbids any illegal practice.

Apart from it, the voter list is an essential tool for the political parties in India. It contains all the information, interests, and gender of the voter. Through these details, you can build a winning election strategy. It will also help in the preparation of the manifesto.

How can LEADTECH Help?

download voter list 2022

LEADTECH is a political campaign company in India. We are a leading political consulting company. We can help you to analyze the political insights and make a winning strategy around them. Having been in the business for more than 12 years, we help our clients to achieve their goals and eventually win the elections.  

Our main mission is to provide tension-free services to our clients. Connect with us to download the voter list, for 2021 and 2022.

Purchase and Download Voter list in excel format for Various Indian States

S No. State S No. State

Download voter list 2021


Download voter list 2022


Download voter list Delhi


Download voter list uttar pradesh

If you want to download voter list in excel format, then you must contact us at our contact number. We will provide you updated voter list of each and every constituency.


Contact No : 0124-411-3384      ||      Email Id : [email protected]

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