June 22, 2018

Door To Door Campaign

The Door to Door Campaign for Promotion of the Candidate:

Voters can’t be taken for granted. Leaders have to perform and offer excellent governance in order to meet constituency expectations. LEADTECH can assist you in achieving your goal by providing the following Door to Door Campaign service:

  • Establishing a leader’s true image, his beliefs, and his vision for the constituency’s and constituents’ development.
  • All households in the constituency should receive bills, letters, and appeals.
  • A list of the work done by your party’s government and you should be distributed as a pamphlet to every household to keep them informed.
  • A list of new voters whose names should be added to the voter list would be prepared during door to door political campaign.
  • Phone/Mobile no, Correspondence Address and Email of the Head of the Family would be noted down to start communication in all possible forms from all.
  • LEADTECH team will also ensure to put your hoardings and banners on the required site.

Specially customized door-to-door survey for collecting valid contact information of voters, to know voter’s mood and ensure the wide reach of the candidate. It also helps determine candidate’s caste equation and further formulate steps to ensure winning. Influential people of a constituency are determined and their contact information is collected. It also includes a mass appeal for the candidate. In LEADTECH, we can tell from our experience of working with more than 1000 clients that these customized surveys have proved to be the most effective way for mass reach. This kind of campaigning will boost a candidate’s popularity and influence voters in favour. We ensure candidate’s success by extensive research of the data collected. This data and research work holds its validity and exclusivity for our clients only. No sharing and publication of such data occur from our side.

Door to Door Campaign for Promotion: 

In the run up to elections, whether local or national, voters need to be persuaded using any and all means possible, especially if the party’s voter base is not secure. Even if a party or candidate has a solid base, they need to motivate the constituents to cast their vote on the election day. from our side.

In recent years, many popular means of campaigning have surfaced, especially social media, but the traditional door to door campaign is still the most effective in most constituencies of India. Door to door campaigns are the backbone; other campaigns complement it. from our side.

Door to Door Campaign for Promotion of the Candidate

Over the past 15 years, Leadtech has strategized and executed multiple door to door campaigns for over 1000 candidates. Our Analytics Team designs these campaigns after conducting preliminary door to door surveys and understanding the voter sentiment in the constituency. The survey not only establishes preferences, but also reveals the caste equation, the pain points of the constituency, the most recognized candidates, and so on. The findings of the survey guide the strategy adopted by the campaign. from our side.

However, in general, most Door to Door Campaigns executed by Leadtech follow a basic outline, which helps achieve the following 5 goals –

from our side.

  1. Image BuildingThe focus of the campaign is to build the image of the candidate or their party, whichever is more beneficial. All communication helps to disseminate the beliefs and vision of the leader/party. This communication is based on the findings of the survey – if a particular issue is a major pain point in a constituency, we design most communication around that issue and make it a talking point which resonates with the voters. from our side.
  2. Visual Elements – All campaigns focus on capturing the voters’ memory by means of persuasive, impactful visual imagery. While social media campaigns simply use pictures and videos, door to door campaigns are more elaborate and creative. Leadtech uses elements like posters, pamphlets, banners, hoardings, LED Vans, billboards – just to name a few.
  3. Deep Penetration – The aim of the campaign is not simply to reach easily accessible voters. Leadtech also includes elements which help the candidate connect with non-loyal, non-allied voters. An example of this is the Distribution of Promotional Materials – they serve as a tangible advertisement for the party/candidate, and also serve a functional purpose. Households touched by the campaign actually use these materials and are additionally persuaded by the advertisement daily.
  4. Increasing Voter Base – After converting voters who were either not loyal or allied, Leadtech also focuses on increasing voters. We register new voters and help in updating the voter list for upcoming elections during the campaign. Many of these voters express gratitude to the party/candidate sponsoring this activity.
  5. Data Collection – At the end of the campaign, the candidate is left with a treasure trove of data – the most important commodity in the 21st century. Leadtech keeps track of all contact details, addresses, and preferences of each voter it canvasses. This data is useful not only during elections, but even afterwards, for future communication and elections. This data is exclusive and handed over to the candidate at the end of the campaign.

This is just the outline. Every candidate is unique, and hence the strategy is customized in each case. Additional methods of outreach are also available if they are likely to be more effective in a constituency.

If you would like to get a door to door campaign conducted in your constituency, contact us now!

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